Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Remembering St George

APRIL 23rd 2015

Dad George circa 1960

As I write this piece it is 51 years since my dad’s funeral and almost 2 years since the funeral of our little grandson Harry who was born still and asleep.

I sometimes wonder why I write and whom I think will read my pieces and if it really matters if anyone reads them.
I write because it makes me feel better.I also write because I want those close to me to have something that shows a bit about me.

Mum always kept a journal but like me she never finished one. She died nearly 5 years ago and I read her journals nearly every day. They are full of events and memories that it would be easy to forget and they show mums life through her eyes. They tell mum’s story. They are one of the things that I would rescue from a “Burning House”

So I suppose keeping a journal or blogging is my way of telling my story and maybe my children will enjoy reading my account of my life as much as I enjoy reading mum’s story. So today I wanted to write about St George’s Day. As I write I think about Mum and hopefully it will become clear why St Georges Day is such a special day for me.

We always remembered St George’s Day as children because it was the day of my dad’s funeral. Mum made it a special day every year. We had special cakes for tea or went to visit a special park. To my knowledge there has always been sunshine on St Georges Day.

Since mum died I have visited her grave on St George’s Day and always take roses. She is buried with my dad in an overgrown churchyard in Brampton Bierlow.

The churchyard has always been overgrown and it is a place I remember visiting as a young child. Dad didn’t have a headstone so we had to find the head stone with Jesus walking through a door. That was my marker. Once I found the headstone I used to sit and play with the green marble stones that were scattered in front of the picture of Jesus whilst my mum tended my dad’s grave. For me it was a happy peaceful place. I often wondered how it was for mum.

After she died we found her journals and that question was answered.  
Through her writing I know how she felt and I can almost hear her voice as she recalls visiting my dad 40 years after his funeral. I am reassured that she too found visiting the grave a comforting thing to do and as an adult I can empathize with her feeling.
Reading mums journals inspires me to keep writing and explains a little bit as to why I gain so much from keeping a journal.
She wrote a piece 11 years ago. 41 years to the day of my dad’s funeral on 23rd April 1964. In her journal she writes about how she awoke to the sound of the birds and to bright sunshine. She remembered the day in her journal clearly dated

“Friday April 23rd 2004
St George’s Day
I awoke this morning early and as I had predicted it was a beautiful sunny morning. I lay in bed and looked at the blue sky and listen to the sound of birds singing. It seems like a lifetime away from the morning of April 23rd 1964.

Mum talks in her journal of trying to keep herself busy but even 40 years after his funeral she cannot stop thinking of him.

“Forty years and I still have the same feeling. Did it really happen?  YES. My life is so different but I am still the same. I think of the day forty years ago when it was the day of George’s funeral. I still think of him as a young man, a loving father and a good husband. My thoughts are with him most of the day. I try to concentrate on mundane things like dusting, washing, making the beds but I know that nothing will stop me thinking of him all day.”

George’s funeral was at 2.00pm and Mum explains in her journal how she felt that day as she went to lay some flowers at her young husbands grave. My dad (Gerald) tried to support mum but this was not a day when he could comfort her.

“At 1.30pm I’m ready. I feel very solitary. I have a small bunch of roses. Gerald is very good; he knows how I feel but says nothing. At the churchyard Gerald starts to accompany me but I know it’s not what I want. I looked at Gerald and explain its something I want to do alone. He understands and walks back to the car”

Grief is a very personal thing and reading mums journal makes me realize that there are times when you need to allow those you love time to grieve alone, even 40 years after someone has died, you still need that personal space.

As mum makes her way to the spot where George is buried she describes her journey and explains how some things have not changed but it is clear that on this day 40 years ago her world changed forever.

“I make my way down the familiar path. I think how green everything looks. There are loads of daffodils. It smells like spring. It’s a smell that I always remember. Did I really walk down this path 40 years ago? It is just as I remember: nothing has changed. The large imposing monuments, the sounds of spring, the daffodils.
Then I see the grave of Ma Parkin (George’s mum) I pause and I think of how she must have felt on this day 40 years ago.  She must have felt so much pain and anguish to bury a son at only 29 years old. I am so sorry I didn’t comprehend how she must have felt”
“At last I am here beside the grave of Mr. and Mrs. Brookes.  Their grave is my clue to George’s unmarked grave. I couldn’t afford the luxury of a headstone with 3 little ones to support, but a marker makes no difference to my feelings. As I stand and remember its as clear as if it were yesterday. I talk to him of the family he would be so proud of. I tell him about our daughters.
40 years ago they were with a neighbour. I didn’t want them to see so much grief. I wanted them to remember Daddy as he was. Was that wrong? I don’t know.”

It is nearly 5 years since my mum died and I still make the journey on St Georges Day to lay some flowers on what has now become her grave too.

Last year I went with my granddaughter to visit Nanny Angel. I told her it was St Georges Day and we needed to pick some special flowers. Ella Mae was only 3 but she picked a bunch of 10 pink roses saying that Nanny Angel would like them. (Little did she know that pink roses were the flowers that mum  laid at her husbands grave 40 years after he died.)
I smiled and agreed that pink roses were a good choice. The   graveyard is near Ella Mae’s school and she knows the way to mums grave. As ever it was overgrown but she found the grave with the green marble stones and knew that Nanny Angel’s garden is the one next to that one.

Since mum died we have put on a headstone but it made me smile when I saw Ella Mae playing with the green marble stones and talking to the picture of Jesus on the head stone.. I wondered what mum would be thinking. I remember last year  I started talking to her and telling her about Emma in Australia and Adam still holding down a full time job. I reassured her that Lauren was OK and that Dad was doing exactly as she said he would sleeping until gone 12 and drinking lots of John Smiths.

In mums journal she talked to George

“Well George I don’t think we could ever have envisaged our daughters being so successful. Pamela whose name you tricked me into giving her. Well she is in America a marketing manager and still keeps the Sanders name. Sharon, the easy going placid one who went everywhere on your shoulders, is a teacher and Wendy is a wonderful homemaker living in Belgium. I am at peace here with you and I feel you are with them all the time. Yes George, I am shedding a tear but because of our love there are three very special girls who have enriched so many people’s lives. There are grandchildren to carry on the family feeling and through the sadness there is also happiness”

“I gently lay the roses  on George’s grave – each rose I kiss as I lay them there one each from Pam Sharon and Wendy and one from me. I look around and I am glad to be alive for that means I can come again and tell George more stories about our family. Its time to go but I have one last task. I make my way back to Ma Parkin’s grave and lay one single rose on her grave. She was his mother and she must have ached with grief on this day 40 years ago.”

This just confirms to me that time may be a healer but it cannot erase the memory of the pain felt when someone dies, nor can it fill the emptiness left by someone you love.

So even though mum is no longer here her journal is advising me.
Through Mums words in her journal I am reminded that grief and love are all encompassing. The strength of the emotion ebbs and flows through your life and the older you get the more you seem to understand it.

As mum left the churchyard she wrote

As I walk slowly back to the car my thoughts are with all those we have loved. The sun is shining I can see Gerald waiting patiently at the gate and I feel lucky. I will go home and ring the girls and wish them Happy St Georges Day!”

Tonight is the eve of St Georges Day and I visited Dad Gerald. He continues to remain in the background and although he is a constant cause of frustration I know he loved mum and misses her. I shall visit him tomorrow and take some daffodils. I hope he wishes me Happy St Georges Day!

The forecast is, of course, for sunshine and when I finish work, we will gather as a family and raise a glass to St George and I know that all my children and now their children will realize that we are really celebrating the life of our very own St George and all those who will be partying with him in Heaven!

APRIL 23rd 2015

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Ankle Socks and Frilly Frocks
Easter 2015

Whilst sorting out my journals this week I came across this list. It was written
 20 yrs. ago and it made me smile and reflect on Easter and why it is so special.
Here’s the list

Easter 1995
Things to do
·      Make and send Easter Cards
·      Mark GCSE Books
·      Daffodils
·      White socks with a lace frill
·      New shoes for girls (Shiny black shoes with a simple buckle )
·      Stuff for  Easter Bonnets
·      Egg Hunt Stuff

Interestingly I had made a similar list for Easter 2015. (I like making lists!)
Here it is

·      Make and send Easter cards
·      Easter goodies for Grandkids( Bonnets & Eggs)
·      New Clothes for Easter (socks and T shirts)
·      New cushions soft furnishings(yellow/green)
·      Marks Birthday Gift!!!!!
·      Sort out GCSE Practical Grades

It made me think about change and how some things don't change.
I know change is supposed to be good and we can’t live in the past but sometimes I think it’s OK if things stay the same. There are people missing from my life this Easter and everyday I wish they could be with us. However I know that their contribution to my life as a child is helping me to make my family life as fresh as it was all those years ago. Now that's something I wouldn't change.

Well today is Easter Sunday and it’s also my hubby’s birthday so there are several reasons to celebrate. Having said that I have always celebrated at Easter and I have always had that same sense of anticipation and excitement that I get at Christmas.

Spring is in the air, the birds are building their nests and for some reason I enjoy giving the house a good clean!
I just love the freshness that Easter brings. Maybe its down to a childhood where Easter was always celebrated and it is a time I remember fondly. Mum kept the Easter traditions alive and I suppose that's something I am doing in her absence.

On Good Friday I tried to explain to my granddaughter the rules for the day. I’m not quite sure she gets it, but like me and my daughter she will one day just know that hanging out the washing is not allowed on Good Friday and its got to be fish for tea.  These are just some of the things that my mum taught me and I am passing down the generations.

I remember always shopping for new clothes.  In those days it was C & A and Woolworths but now we have Matalan and Primark. I remember mum explaining to me that during Lent it was traditional for church goers in the olden days to avoid wearing fine clothes so when Easter Sunday arrived they would love to wear new outfits to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

This week I found myself in Matalan and I was I was drawn to the white ankle socks and frilly frocks. Now as a child I was not the ankle sock and frilly frock kind of girl but it didn't stop mum taking my 2 sisters and me to the local town and kitting us out in brand new clothes at the local C & A ready for the Easter festivities.

My children and grandchildren, like me, are not the ankle sock and frilly frocks type of girls but after half an hour, there I was at the checkout at Matalan with a trolley full of brand new Easter clothes for my grandchildren, frilly frocks and ankle socks included!

Woolworths was where we shopped for the stuff to decorate our bonnets. This week I went to The Range and B&M. I smiled as I filled my basket with yellow crepe paper, pipe cleaners and brightly coloured cotton wool balls.
Again I remember mum explaining that as well as the new clothes it was tradition to wear a new bonnet to church on Easter Sunday.
Well tomorrow we will be making Easter bonnets but I am not quite sure they will be fit for church!

There will be the traditional egg hunt then we will dress up in our new clothes and spend time with family and friends. If Im lucky there may be repeats of Jesus of Nazareth starring Robert Powell to make my Easter celebrations complete.

In the year she died Mum spent her last Easter making Easter Bonnets with us.
Today my children and my grandchildren as well as my Dad will all be together and we will once again decorate those bonnets. Mum will be watching and smiling and wondering how we would ever have managed without her collection of hats!

Happy Easter Everyone!

Easter 2010
Easter 2015