
The "S"Factor 2013
Sharon's #Nurture1314 reflective blog.

Some would say that 2013 has been a sad year so with that in mind I am approaching this reflective blog with a positive attitude. I intend to reflect on 2013 and rather than dwell on the sadness I will reflect on the smiles that have come through the saddest of times

Top of my reflective list is
 #SYLVIA my mum
She lost her battle with cancer 3 years ago and I miss her every day but just when I am feeling that life is Sh..t a tune pops on the radio or a photo pops up on my phone that reminds me how much fun we had in her life and of course I smile and count my blessings. She will feature throughout this blog that’s why she’s number one

Then of course is my little  
 #Star: Ella Mae. She is oblivious to some of the sadness that has touched her world this year and her smile just means that she gets away with murder but somehow that seems OK. I will never forget the happiness that she gave to my mum in the 3 months before mum died.

#My Sisters
Are at number 3 because there are 3 of us and it’s my favourite number. We live in 3 different time zones and have totally different lives but our mum Sylvia binds us together. We try to get together 3 times a year: in June near mum’s birthday and in December around the time we lost mum and in Spring because that was Mums favourite time of year. My sisters have shared my sadness but they share so much of my happiness that we laugh and forget those sad times.

#Scrapbooking with my photos has to be near the top of the list. I love looking through my old scrapbooks and journals. They are a constant reminder of the good times. Without my camera and my photography I would be really sad. One day I will finish a scrapbook and finish a journal but for some reason I start them and then get sidetracked and start another. My office is full of memories of good times with people smiling at me from all angles how can I be sad when I surrounded by smiles?

#Social Networking has to be next on my list.
My very good friend Jane Hewitt @Jane271 introduced me to Twitter this time last year and helped me set up my blog. Both have given me inspiration and of course made me smile. I’ve not always found time to blog or tweet but I have loved meeting what I call my “virtual friends” and enjoying their successes on the social network scene. More than anything I love being inspired by my friend @Jane271!
My mum still has a Facebook account and although I am almost certain there is no Facebook in heaven I write to her often, as do my sisters and other family members.
Social Networking for me has helped me cope with my grief and my sadness and made me smile when I have been at my lowest.

This reflective blog has to include
#My School, Horizon CC.
Teaching is in my blood and Kingstone was in my heart so the move to Horizon CC in 2012 after 30 years at Kingstone was a sad time for me. 2013 has made me reflect about my teaching career and for a while I lost my spark and considered redundancy. Teaching at Horizon will always be a challenge mainly due to the lack of indoor PE facilities and the good old English weather not to mention our old friend Ofsted! This Year I was given the ultimate challenge…. responsibility for ICT in PE. This still makes me smile as I am not the best with ICT but I am always up for a challenge!  This was,however, one of the best things that could have happened as I presented at a school teach meet on “ME,PE and ICT” I came away realizing that I still enjoyed teaching and that I still had something to give. So I am still smiling after 31 years of teaching!

#Still born has to be part of this reflective blog. May 15th 2013 had to be the saddest day of my life. My grandson baby Harry Smith was born still and asleep and he made such a difference to all who knew of him. As I said at the beginning some people would say this has been a sad year and not having Harry here this Christmas has been very sad but since his birth we have met so many amazing people.
I think the day that a bouquet of flowers was left on my doorstep by a young lady I used to teach was the day I realized that Harry was going to be a special little boy.
That young lady, Becki Youell, has now become a good friend of my daughter’s and was instrumental in the success of Harry’s first fundraising event for still born babies.
Harry’s birth brought our family close and our friends closer. Harry’s Hope has raised over £5000 this year and I know that we will continue to raise awareness and funds for other families suffering the trauma of a stillborn.
#St Abbs has to be a part of my 2013 reflection. I just love it here. A small fishing village on the southern Scottish Borders. Mark Dives here and I just enjoy the peace and tranquility of this beautiful part of the world.
This is where I hope to retire to in a few years time. 

#Sons and Daughters are a constant in my life. 

With 2 of each ranging from 20 to 26 I am so proud of them all. Family was always important to my mum and she taught me the same family values that she was taught by her parents Sol and Annie. These values have been instrumental in ensuring that my children understand that being rich has nothing to do with money. The fact that my youngest daughter travelled home from Australia to be with her sister when she lost Harry is testament to the love that can only be found in family bonds.

#Surprises has to be included in this blog. On Christmas day this year my daughter Emma surprised us by arriving for Christmas lunch 2 days earlier than expected. She had travelled from Australia!! She brought her boyfriend James and I could not have been happier.
The last time she was home was quite a sad time but because she came home she realized that there was no need to hurry back, she could enjoy her new life in Australia. I know she is happy and settled and I know that she will return to Australia again in the knowledge that we are all happy for her.

#Stars and Sky are some of my favourite photos! I look to the clouds and see pictures and I look to the stars and see constellations. Heaven has always intrigued me and I imagine it to be a wonderful place full of happy people. For me the sky and the stars reflect that happiness and the pictures I see in the clouds are my mums way of reminding me that a smile can make such a difference

#Songbirds are also my way of knowing that mum is watching over my family and me. Mum loved blackbirds and they nested in her garden. Since she died me and my sisters all have blackbirds nesting in our gardens.
In my garden there has always been a robin but this year there has been 2. Again I like to think that Harry is the new robin in my garden. When we registered his death there were 2 robins sitting outside the registry office the whole time. Everywhere I go with my camera there is always a friendly robin. They make me smile when I think of Harry and of mum so that’s got be good!

#My Soul mate
My husband is my final reflection of 2013. Those who know us will understand that it seems that we never agree on anything but when it comes down to it he is the only person who has the ability to make me laugh out loud and not many people can do that. I really couldn't have coped with the sadness os 2013 without his laugh and I can't imagine a 2014 and beyond without him.

 My aims for 2014 are simple and in no particular order……

#Smile often
#Stay happy
#Support my family
#Share my worries
#Stay fit and healthy
#See my dad more often
#Show my affection
#Seek out new friends
#Stay in touch with old friends
#Sort out my loft
#Stop writing lists
#Start Scuba Diving
# Spend more time at home and not at work

# Send all my Christmas cards on time

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Sharon - and to Julia Skinner for passing it on. Your family, including your mum, are clearly very special and the support and love you give each other such a crucial part of all your lives.

    My mum is 91 and still with us but I know she won't always be. I think when that time comes I will take comfort from all you have said here.

    With best wishes for 2014.


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