Sunday, 8 July 2018

My Moana Months

Living with a Toddler Through the Eyes of a Grandparent

My notice board if full of fridge magnets that make me smile. My favourite has got to be
"We child proofed the house but they still keep getting in!"
Well in August last year I was just coming to terms with having an empty nest.
I finally had a guest room! We had even bought bunk beds for the occasional sleepover. 

Then one day a tepee, complete with cushions, a book called “Oi Frog” and a Moana DVD  arrived in our living room.
That was the day I knew my empty nest days were over and my Moana Months had begun.
So it was that from August 2017 to March 2018 I had the privilege of watching a toddler grow and learn, but this time through the eyes of a grandmother.
Now don't get me wrong my daughter was around and was in charge of Oliver, but for me it was lovely to just watch and mentally record all those things that as a parent of 3 young children and a full time working teacher I had been too busy to enjoy.
My Moana months have taught me things about being a parent that I wish I had known before I became a grandparent. More than anything they have made me realise how important it is to enjoy, remember and share the magical moments that a toddler can provide. They have given me an acute awareness of time and how quickly it can pass.
Seven months as a parent seemed like an age, whereas my seven  ‘Moana Months’ as a retired grandparent have passed in the blink of an eye.

I have spent time actually watching childrens TV, reading books  and playing Moana on repeat. These became much more enjoyable than washing, ironing and cleaning.
I have loved my early morning cuddles and the smell of talcum powder after a bubble bath.
For some reason it didn't matter that my carpet was full of yogurt and strawberries and my windows were smeared with the remains of a cheese sandwich. The strings on granddad's guitar have taken a bashing and I have learned to enjoy a G&T minus the ice and the lemon!
During My Moana Months I seem to have gained a patience and a tolerance that I definitely lacked as a young mum and simple things have made me smile.

I have danced to the sound of the doorbell and gasped in delight as the microwave pinged.  I have taught  Alexa to play Old Macdonald has a farm and  sung  along to the soundtrack of Moana whilst  giggling at a chicken called Heihei and a guy covered in tattoos!!
I have learned to sign with Mr Tumble, travelled the world with Andy and laughed out loud at the Twirley Woos!
It seems that in my seven  "Moana months" I have also subconsciously recreated those good old days that I remember as a child.
We have made bubbles with fairy liquid and built a den with a clothes horse and some sheets. We made music with a bottle filled with pebbles, and had hours of fun with a bowl full of water and some pegs.

Oliver is 2 years old this week. My Moana Months are now over and its been a blast. Oliver and Emma have moved on. The tepee has disappeared and my guest room is restored. I was beginning to feel a little sad then I remembered the terrible twos and toilet training so now I will look forward to regular visits and the occasional sleepover safe in the knowledge that the tepee will not be returning anytime soon