Monday, 9 September 2019

My Sunshine Girl

Balloons Banners and Bar B Qs at 30!

There’s something about a birthday that makes me reflective and today is no exception. It’s 30 years ago today that I met Lauren for the first time. As it's a milestone birthday I have spent the last couple of weeks looking through 30 years of photographs and boy do they tell a story? As I have looked through old photographs I have asked myself several questions….
“What did you see when you looked in the mirror? “
“Maybe you didn't have a mirror!”
“Did no one ever advise you on your choice of outfits?”
“Did you really think you looked good in that?”
“Who on earth cut your hair?”
Then of course I look at the images of Lauren and I am reminded of places we’ve visited and experiences we have shared.
The photographs actually show that Lauren has had more life experiences in her 30 years than I have had in nearly 60! Most of these have been captured on camera and in almost every photograph Lauren is smiling even when there has been little to smile about!
Amongst the balloons, the banners and the Bar B Qs. images of the same family members can be found at Lauren’s birthday celebrations. Some of those family members are no longer with us and some of them are now looking their age. I thought that I have stood the test of time and then I look at my taste in clothes, my permed hair and gigantic glasses and then I realise that that's probably why Lauren is smiling!
When she was born I wrote Lauren a letter. It welcomed her into the family and it told her that she would always be loved but it also warned her that sometimes life would be tough. I’m not sure I realised how tough life could be when I wrote that letter.
Lauren has experienced sadness that I will never be able to appreciate when she lost her son Harry and she has navigated the legal and social system with such love and determination in order to adopt our beautiful Lilly Bet.

She has made some brave decisions to ensure that Ella Mae and Lilly Bet live in a settled and happy home with their brother Bradley and her partner Danny.
For me she epitomises today’s blended family and although there have been some tough times and lots of changes there is one thing that has never changed.
That is the beauty of Lauren’s smile.
I am so proud of her!

As a little girl I called her my Sunshine Girl.  I sang, “You are my Sunshine” at every opportunity, which was quite sweet when she was 3 but apparently not so endearing when she was 13 so it’s obviously not appropriate at 30!

So for Laurens birthday today I will not sing “You are my Sunshine” and I will not dig out embarrassing photographs of when she was little, naked in the bath.
In stead I will reflect on the good times we have shared and the support we have had from friends and family over the years. I will attempt to capture a picture of Lauren on her 30th birthday that she can share with her children when they reach the big 30 and I shall raise a glass to count my blessings.
I hope that she will always know how proud I am of her and of the woman she has become.
Tomorrow is my birthday and as I blow out the candles on my cake I will be thinking of good friends and wishing that Lauren will be able to celebrate these milestone birthdays with her children as I am able to do with my children.

I will also be thankful that Lauren has a better dress sense than I ever had so the photographs she will share with her children will not be half as embarrassing!